Journalist was reported missing in Donetsk. Message for foreign media

For more than three years, Ukrainian authorities do not control part of the territory of our country. On this uncontrolled territory, a non-democratic regime, hostile to everything, which is somehow related to Ukraine, was established. In the occupied part of the Donbass region, fundamental human rights are regularly violated. Even with regard to ordinary civilians. Also the freedom of speech is not observed there. Moreover, the work of all Ukrainian media is obstructed there.

To be on the uncontrolled territory and remain a patriot of Ukraine is deadly dangerous. To conduct journalistic work there is even more dangerous. But such brave people are still there. Journalists work there, they prepare materials for Ukrainian media, but they have to hide their real name.

One of such journalists is Stanyslav Aseev, who published his investigations under the name of Stanyslav Vasin. All three years, while the war is going on, Stanyslav was in Donetsk, he described everything that was happening in the region. His materials were published by leading Ukrainian and foreign media, such as: "Radio Svoboda", "Dzerkalo Tyzhnya", "Ukrayinska Pravda", "Ukrainian Week", "" and others.

Six days ago, on June 3, Stanyslav Aseev was to send his following material regarding life in the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic", but did not do so. Aseev did not come home and no longer answered phone calls, the connection with him was lost. The last time he contacted his mother was on the afternoon, June 2. He said that he was approaching Donetsk and would come to her the next day. But he did not come.

After Stanyslav did not call and did not come to his mother the next day, Stanyslav's friends and relatives began to look for him. On arriving at his house, they found that the door to his apartment had been hacked and some of the things had disappeared, including a working laptop. Aseev's relatives appealed to the local authorities of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic", asking where he would be and what was wrong with him? But no one provided this information.

Fr om unofficial sources, it was possible to find out that he was alive, and was being detained by representatives of the so-called "Ministry of State Security" of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" (this is a structure like the Committee for State Security of the USSR). Probably he was subjected to torture and violence. It is worth saying that Stanyslav's account in Facebook was active, posts were posted. Furthermore, there was a mailing of messages from his profile, with an attempt to get information about his contacts and investigations!

We have no more information about Stanyslav Aseev. We do not know about his psychological condition and physical health. We do not know wh ere he is, how long he will be detained and why the fact of his detention is hidden. No one can guarantee that he will survive.

[B]Friends, relatives and fellow journalists of Stanyslav Aseev appeal to all foreign media with a request to tell about all what happened. We are sure that wide coverage of the overall situation can save Stanyslav's life.[/B]

If you have any additional questions about the situation, you can contact me via [url=]Facebook[/url] or write to e-mail: [email protected]



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